Feed The World Global project analysis
About FTWG Feed The World Global aims to be an integral part of the charity sector to aid in reaching to those communities that we are directly in contact with. From our experience, our team has had the privilege of working with other charities in the most challenging places around the world like Bali, India, Colombia and Africa. We’ve witnessed first hand what extreme poverty and lack of basic amenities does to the quality and wellbeing of life of the people. With our experience and cultural diversity within the team, we created the charity to be supplemented by a tokenized project that will serve as an additional charitable medium. We are proactive in our obligations that has been set out for the long term and with strategic project protocols. The pathway is to begin locally and spread our influence with the acquisition of seasoned investors to various areas both nationally and internationally. Charity Begins At Home has always been a widely acknowledged mantra in societie...